About Our Chapter
Mark Jevert – Chapter Director
A long-time Kalamazoo native and WMU grad, Mark brings a wealth of experience to our team from his over 4 decades in ministry. He has served on several non-profit boards in the community and has been involved in helping many area ministries grow and develop. He currently serves as an Elder at Gracespring Bible Church, and he and his wife, Debra, have three adult daughters who all live and serve in SW Michigan.
Email: mjevert@safefamilies.net
Jennifer Tuinstra – Intake & Volunteer Coordinator
Jenny grew up in the Kalamazoo area and holds a BA in Sociology/Criminal Justice from Western Michigan University. Jenny has always had a heart for helping others, serving in volunteer roles for over 20 years. She volunteers regularly in her church’s children’s program as well as through a mentoring program for teen moms. When not working or volunteering, you can usually find her reading or spending time with her family. Jenny lives in Cooper Township with her husband Adam and their three children.
Email: jtuinstra@safefamilies.net
Kari Nobel – Community & Church Engagement Coordinator
Kari first became involved with Safe Families in 2017 as a host family for SFFC Kalamazoo through Bethany. She and her husband love opening their home to visitors and share time between Michigan and Florida as they travel with their bees in the winter months.
Email: knobel@safefamilies.net
The support and guidance of our Leadership Council is an essential part of our chapter and we as staff are so grateful for the time and expertise they bring to this work.
(L to R: Pastor Jason Olson, Larry Stegink, Marion Wood, Mark Kieser, Pastor Dan Smith)
Our founder, licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Dave Anderson, was running a foster care agency when he discovered the need for parents to have support before getting to the point of state involvement. His “Aha!” moment happened when a Mom came to him asking for help and he realized he was set up only to help after something bad happens and Safe Families was started in 2003.
What began with one family in Chicago, IL opening their home to host children has grown into a national movement with over 100 chapters in 30 states. Our goal then and now is to engage families via faith communities to open their hearts and homes to care for vulnerable children. Since then, we’ve had 63,000 hosting arrangement and served over 37,000 children and families with 95% of children returning to their parents or a relative. Family preservation and strengthening is what we are all about!