Help Our Chapter
Help Our Chapter
Become a Host Family! Host families are the heart of the ministry – they care for children in their homes so the parents can focus on getting back on their feet, whatever their individual circumstances may be.
Other volunteer positions include Family Friends, Resource Friends, Family Coach and Ministry Leads. There are so many ways to help. Email us for more information on how to get involved!
Become a Support Church! If Host Families are the heart of the ministry, Support Churches are the rib cage! A support church grows the reach of Safe Families by spreading the word about our mission. They also are a source for volunteers and financial support.
Donate! Click the Donate Link at the top of our home page to give to our chapter. We are funded locally by individuals, businesses and churches in our community. Every dollar counts!
Spread the Word! If you know someone who needs help, have them call us (844-SAFE-FAM). If you think someone would make a great volunteer, encourage them to apply! If you know of a church that would be a great addition to our network, tell them to schedule a formal presentation with us!